Thursday, 19 February 2009

Day 1 - CakePHP or Rails?

I decided on Rails because although loads of people use PHP and the cake framework is popular. Rails is seen very much as the achetype and their is alot of well written documetation inprint and online

anyway i used this to guide to install it.

I skipped a few steps as I already had xampp and mysql

If it all doesn't work I could use instant rails but this is old

This is what I did to get it working. These two steps are from here

1) Install Ruby using the one click installer. You can get the latest version of the installer from here; the installation is simple and only takes a few clicks.

2) Open the command shell (’Start’ >> ‘Run’ >> ‘cmd’), and navigate to the ruby ‘bin’ directory. normally this will be ‘C:\ruby’ and run ‘gem install rails –include-dependencies’; this will install rails.

The I used the radrails tutorial to see if rails was installed correctly.

Get as far a problem when rake migrating. This solves it

Restart mysql on xampp and on the command prompt

c:\ruby> gem install mysql

That seemed to get the migration working in radrails