anyway i used this to guide to install it.
I skipped a few steps as I already had xampp and mysql
If it all doesn't work I could use instant rails but this is old
This is what I did to get it working. These two steps are from here
1) Install Ruby using the one click installer. You can get the latest version of the installer from here; the installation is simple and only takes a few clicks.
2) Open the command shell (’Start’ >> ‘Run’ >> ‘cmd’), and navigate to the ruby ‘bin’ directory. normally this will be ‘C:\ruby’ and run ‘gem install rails –include-dependencies’; this will install rails.
The I used the radrails tutorial to see if rails was installed correctly.Get as far a problem when rake migrating. This solves it
Restart mysql on xampp and on the command prompt
c:\ruby> gem install mysql
That seemed to get the migration working in radrails